Thursday 5 December 2013

OUDF601: Synthesis Practical | Storyboard

Above (Fig.1) are the main ideas that are going to be used for testing an idea. The project is compare Visual Effects to Special Effects. 

The images are above are going to be computer generated, therefore are going to include live action flames composited to a CG orb. A glow effect will also be composited at the post processing stage using appropriate tools. 

The images below represent special effects, therefore I will be using tools such as a polystyrene ball, fishing wire and other appropriate tools to help me achieve the illusions. 

The shot are going to be filmed using a still camera with a 50mm lens attached and also mounted onto a tripod for extra stability  there will not be any tracking shots. 

Sunday 1 December 2013

OUDF601: Research for Essay | Failed Interviews

While looking for interviews for my research question, I sent email to a few number of profession Industry practitioners. Unfortunately some of them never do respond to your emails but those who do offer kind responses. I got into contact with a practitioner named Susi Sie for an interview and she kindly agreed. The downside is her English speaking language wasn't up to par as she mentioned so herself, so when it came to actually asking the questions, she failed to fully understand and never responded.

This led me to continue searching for other practitioners to contact. I joined Linkdin in an attempt to find other contacts who work in the visual effects industry.

Below are screen shots of the interview process with Susi Sie: