Monday 28 October 2013

OUDF601: Level 6 CoP3 | The Beginning.

Before we broke up for the summer holidays, we were briefed on a new module for our third year study called Context of Practice 3. In this module we are to write a 6000-9000 word essay which is the same as a dissertation but it's an extended piece of writing due to the fact that we have to produce a synthesised practical with it. 

We were given a massive head start to begin our research, this was 3 months prior to handing in our final proposals. What i liked about the brief of this module is the fact that we can write about anything that interests us, it doesn't have to relate to any studio concerns. To make the most out of my study, I had to relate it to what I'm specialising in on my my 3rd year & my speciality is Visual Effects & focusing solely on digital compositing in post production for Film & TV.

My initial essay proposal was 'The Evolution of Visual Effects in Media', the feedback I received from this was that the subject matter was way too broad. So over the summer this led me to do a lot of research that would help me conclude to a good topic. This led me to read a number of undergraduate dissertations to learn styles and structuring of writing an appropriate extended piece of writing. I also Read journalistic articles and various academic papers  from & some on Google Scholar, as well as  blogs. Doing observation research such as watching relevant films also help to an extent, these were past & present films, this also led me to watching various interviews of industry practitioners.

I was recommended a good book to read over the summer & it's called 'Special Effects : An Oral History by Pascal Pinteau', the book is a good read & it features interviews with the practitioners who worked on big films such as The Matrix, Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, Star Wars, E.T to name the least. It covers a series of interviews from the big names in the industry, Early movie SFX to today’s big blockbusters VFX, it’s a good read, it’s filled with great history & good insights that are otherwise hard to find. 

With all the reading & thinking during the holidays, I came up with a new title for my extended piece which is less broad & has a much focused question. My new title is 'Are Today's Visual Effects Improving or Damaging Film'. I feel much better writing about this essay as I now know exactly what to focus on, my mission now is to think of an appropriate practical idea to combine with this essay for synthesis.


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