Thursday 1 December 2011

The Weeknd : The Knowing

I came across this music video by a new up and coming artist known as The Weeknd. His video is directed by a visionary director named Mikael Columbo. The video uses cutout animation techniques using flat two dimensional photographs taken from a Canon Camera scanned into a computer & then animated. What intrigued me about this video is the way they told the story. It is a bit difficult to understand at first so I will also post the full analysis right after the video.

Part 1 : In the distant future the year 16311(666) Abel (the weeknd) (depicted as a reincarnation or descendant or genetic recreation of Hailie Selasi) is the world leader after Ethiopia became the planets super power, and he was given power by aliens (Anu Naki?). ( Arc of the Covenant which is still rumoured to nest in Ethiopia)

Part 2 : He is betrayed by an un-loyal woman,(who sold her body and soul to the devil for wisdom and power)(or chose to be the flesh rather than the spirit as the entity was also half man half beast) and as a painful revenge turns his body guards on her to do as they please (to her and her two clones?). The woman's scorn divides the planet into two placing them worlds apart 233km (666)

Part 3 : After successfully stealing his heart the Anu naki return and revive him so that he may retrieve what is his, and continue to be the king to the people that he is.
Now depicted as a Christ like figure even the animals submit to him. (Silasi was said to ride a lion as a child) His heart was strong and only knew love, thus it was stronger than the woman's scorn and hatred.

Part 4 : Some symbolism that may get overlooked.
-A Centaur is a symbol of the enlightened, those who are aware of the true self. (Those who know everything)
-The Arc of the Covenant is a symbol of ultimate power. The one who controls it controls all.
-Selasi is the embodiment of a black king, and viewed by many as a Christ
-Owl's represent wisdom (not evil)
-Horns represent the devil.

Part 5 : 666 is NOT an number of evil, rather reference to melanin (carbon) which consists of 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. (Melanin frequently viewed as a powerful substance in metaphysical teachings)
-When separated his phallus fell and her valley's blew baron and cold
-The seal over the mouth represent silence being broken, now he's telling what he knows. "he knows everything"

Part 6 : A few hints at what roll Caucasians played in this story, when the seal over their mouth was broken people we murdered.
-Three glowing rings on his hand represent the holy trinity. (Haile Selasi means "Power of the Trinity")
-More obvious are references to the lion of Judah
-A brief clip of an assassins knife passing by as the temple crumbles indicates a set up of sorts.
This video deserves a university case study.

Source : Ishmil Waterman

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