Monday 28 October 2013

OUDF601: Structure / Chapter Plan

Are Visual Effects Improving or Damaging Film? 

My Extended piece of writing will consist of the following possible chapters.

Abstract: This part will be the whole essay condensed into a paragraph, it will consist of the main problem addressed, the solution offered and the conclusion reached. 

Introduction: Are Visual Effects Improving or Damaging Film? This will be the central driving question and theme of the essay. This is where I will present the question or problem that the essay will try to solve, I will demonstrate my competence at researching a topic at a professional level and present my findings in an appropriate manner. 

I will also explain how and why my essay is structured the way it is (chapters). This will insure that reader understands why I'm giving particular information. 

Main body of essay | First discussion. 

How do Visual Effects Improve Film?: Here I will talk about numerous films that have been successful due to the beauty & art that visual effects provided.  I will talk about films that can't be done practically without the use of VFX.I will also talk about the companies who work tirelessly to make this happen, I will have to include the industry practitioners who are willing to provide information about how they go about doing their job to constantly improve the quality of the computer generated imaging we see on screen. These will include, directors, VFX supervisors, compositors, animators, editors, actors etc. The films I wish to talk about are Pans Labyrinth (Pale man, Fann, the subtle use of VFX & mostly SFX), Life of Pi (Using a CG tiger as to using a real one), Gravity, Elysium, Avatar, Transformers trilogy, 300, Sin City and more.

Second Discussion.

How do Visual Effects damage Film?: Here I will present the argument and explain how visual effects actually damage film instead of improve it. Finding information on published material for this argument has proved tough, this is where research methodologies come in. 

Quantitative & qualitative research will be useful at this point, I will create questionnaires which do not have leading questions but refined questions that will genuinely engage the people with my research. The responses will enable me to evaluate what others think & they will help me construct my argument with more validity as to what other people's views are on the subject. 

Conducting Interviews is one of the best ways to conduct this investigation, by interviewing appropriate people such as industry practitioners through emails and also interviewing my fellow colleagues and my tutors will help me with this investigation. 

Criticism of VFX

Third Discussion.

The Progress of VFX & what it can achieve:

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