Thursday 24 April 2014

OUDF601: Location Scouting & Filming

Above is an image of the first location I chose to do my filming, this is Golden Acre Park located on the A660 road  towards Harrogate. The time of the day was approximately 7-8pm, I chose this time as I wanted to film during dawn in order to maximise the glow intensity of my orb in the dark, but also bright enough to see the subject. This was a bad Idea as there was no source of lighting around us whatsoever, the natural lighting was disappearing quickly  and this wasn't working in my favour. After reviewing my test shots, there was an undesirable amount of noise that couldn't even be fixed in post, so i decided to scape the footage and re plan to shoot on another day.

Above is the new location I decided to use for the shoot, the reason for the is because there is plenty of fill light source around such as security lights from residential houses around and most importantly the street lights. I stood my subject under a street light as the main light source, I then handed a mobile phone to use as a light source for her face, this light source will be coming from the glowing orb that is digitally composited during post. This worked to my favour as I received minimal amount of noise, I made sure to set my camera settings to the best options possible.

The image above shows my subject holding a Styrofoam ball painted in ultra white UV light, behind the camera is myself pointing an Ultra Fire back light torch to give the glowing illusion. The glow intensity was better than expected, it was very bright to the point that I had to position myself at a certain distance to keep the glow intensity tasteful, i also increased my exposure time and decreased my ISO as it is evident on the screen shot that the image is dramatically darker that the one above it. 

Now that I've gathered my footage, the next step is digital compositing and creating a final edit.

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