Friday 25 April 2014

OUDF603: Animated Set Composition

Image above illustrates the initial stage of the creation. I started off by masking images of high resolution mountains, using photoshop gave me a lot of creative control over what areas I could mask off. I saved the images in Tiff formats because it is easier for Nuke to read those files if they contain transparency. I named the Tiffs accordingly in a sequential manner for example 'mountain01', 'mountain02' etc. This made it easier for me to import the files on Nuke. 

Image below is the stage in which I was starting to create a rough sketch of what I want the set to look like. It was important not to rasterize the images as that would cause them to lose quality when resizing them.

Below is the final sketch of how the set will look like, this has not been colour corrected, it's just a rough sketch.

Below is all the Tiff files imported into Nuke this is the stage in which I begin to reference from my initial sketch and place the images into 3D space. To get the images to show in the viewer,  created a 'card' > connected each card to a tiff image > the card is then connected to a 'camera' > which is connected to a 'scanlineRender' > in which that is connected to the main 'viewer'.

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