Sunday 11 May 2014

OUDF603: Animated Set Progress | Colour Correcting & Grading

All the nodes that were piped to the scene required colour correction, this is to help blend the scene together. Some read nodes only needed subtle colour grading while others required heavy changes to be done. 

Below is the screenshot of the node graph showing all the cards that have been piped with the 'colour-correction node' & the 'grade node'

To make sure all the images in the scene were uniform in colour, I desaturated some of them by a value of 0.6, to match the vibrancy.

On the grade node, I focus mainly on the 'whitepoint' values as it gave the most accurate results, this was in comparison with the foreground and the sky.

Nuke v.8 has a very powerful colour correction system which gave me very accurate results, I got the look I was after with just playing around with a few settings. Below is the colour corrected version of my scene. The next step is set dressing, I will do this by adding fog, a coal power plant in the background with smoke coming out of it's chimney and paint effects such as trees and animated grass.

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