Monday 31 October 2011

Studio Brief 4 : Build - Floorplans

When i started the floor plans I wanted the building to be better than it seems, there's more to it than meets the eye. For example above the building there's an open compartment which helps bring electric power to the building, almost like how solar energy works. The floor plans helped me achieve a different view that you wouldn't normally see when viewing from a simple 2 point perspective view. The blue prints are below :

Sunday 30 October 2011

Studio Brief 3 : Flip-book Animation

After painstakingly crafting my artwork frame by frame onto my flip book, I've finally finished a 12 frames per second animation which ended up being a one second long video. The video below shows my character engulfing flames onto the victim, I hope you enjoy it 

Friday 21 October 2011

Studio Brief 3 : Animate - Storyboard

Before animating my character, I was asked to create a storyboard which shows the key elements of a moving image sequence, therefore i created three actions. the full animation which i'm going to do on a flip book will be based on this storyboard and it will feature the full in between frames of these three actions.
The first image show my character pointing his weapon of choice at the victim, the second image shows the victim in terror of the pain he is about to endure and finally the last image shows the victim engulfed in flames. 

Jerad S. Marantz

Jerad S. Marantz is a movie and video game concept design artist that has worked on the characters of Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch. His work has influenced me a lot on my character as he also drew Zombie Nazi characters. He mentioned that as he was working on this film he felt like he was designing for four different movies at once, this is because the film has different themes to it as it goes. In this case the Zombie Nazi's theme influenced me the most. Below is a link to his blog where he posts the rest of his work for other projects :

Thursday 20 October 2011

Jaime Jones : Concept Artist

Jamie Jones is an experienced illustrator and concept design artist. He's worked for companies such as Warner Bros, Paramount, Blizzard, National geographic and more. His portfolio contains outstanding work that has influenced me in terms of painting my character on photoshop. I particularly like the way he uses colour to make his work look like its been done on traditional canvases. I will use his work as references for my future projects.

Jamie Jones

Lecture Notes :

Studio Brief 2 : Final Character

Below is my final character that i sketched, scanned and painted on photoshop. I also used illustrator on one of them, it was time consuming but the final outcome was a clear and well drawn character. My character is a Nazi scientifically brought back from the dead, he has super human strength and a flame thrower as a weapon.

Back-view of Character

Front-view of Character

Side-view of Character

Studio Brief 4 : Build - Character Space

Below is the development of my environment, i first sketched it on my sketch pad, I then scanned the image on to photoshop for painting it. The environment of my character is a Scientist lab with a capsule in the middle of the room where the character is experimented on. the room is dome shaped and it has a number of controls on the walls that control various features in the room. The capsule has its own power source as it conducts a lot of power.

This is the character space from a different perspective 

Character Development

Below is my character in development, I sketched my character on a plain sketch pad using a mechanical pencil, i find using this sort of pencil easier because it allows you to put more detail into your sketch. I drew a range of character before i ultimately came to a final one I wanted to work on.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Studio Induction : Lighting

On our lighting induction we were shown how to mount enlincrome studio lights, soft-boxes and tripods. we then took a series of images to show our understanding on how lighting can work affect imagery. I was also given a chance to use canon macro lens as the objects I was using as my models were small. The macro lens helped me gain small detail on the images, also it helped me achieve differential focus on my images. Non of the images below have been manipulated on photoshop.

Below is a series of raw images I took using the Canon 1000D

 Above : Differential Focus
 Above : Differential Focus, Macro Lens
 Above : Differential Focus, Macro Lens
 Above : Differential Focus, Macro Lens
 Above : Differential Focus, Macro Lens

Above: Light hitting from the left, creating strong shadows 

Steve Simmons : Concept Artist

Steve Simmons is an influential concept artist, illustrator and storyboard artist. His previously published art is for films such as A Clockwork Orange, 7even Lives & Star Wars. His artwork has influenced me to draw environments which are dark and horror like. Most of his concept art is based on horror films with a lot of blood, gore, heavy rain and dark skies. I'm basing my character in these type of environments. 

Below is the link to Steve Simmons work :

AirWorkArt : Home

Thursday 6 October 2011

Studio Brief 3 : Animate

On this brief i'm required to produce a short story-board which identifies the key elements of moving image elements.

I found an inspiring sequence by a story-board artist called Mark Kennedy. His blog is called Temple of the Seven Golden Camels. He posted story-board art from a scene in a movie from Disney called Tangled. This inspired me to do the same for my flip-book animation

Tangled Story-board Art

Studio Induction : Photography

On this brief I was asked to produce a range of images to demonstrate my ability to effectively use photographic equipment in the resource. I brought in my Japanese origami which originates from the video game called "Heavy Rain", I also used my iPhone which has a Nintendo GameBoy Case on it to use as models. I took a series of 52 images but i'm only going to use 6 of them.

Below is a series of images I took using a Canon 1000D digital SLR camera :

These are raw JPG images & have not been manipulated in anyway

Studio Brief 2 : Archetype

I was required to create a character to fit a certain archetype. On my last blog post I mentioned my character fits the "Shadow" Archetype. I have hand drawn the character & digitalised him on photoshop, i added colour to his structure & now the character has a more realistic look. the images below show the development of the character :

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Studio Brief 1 : Collect - Moodboard

This is my mood board which consists of all that will relate to my character. This will help me develop my character in an easier way, helping me decode what his mental and physical features are.

Studio Brief 1 : Collect

During our visit to the Royal Armouries, we were required to take a number of photographs that may inspire us to create our characters and environments. I took a series of 25 images, below i have posted a few of of the images that i took. At first i did not know what i wanted to base my character on, but after a bit of research, flicking through the images and using my own imagination, i came to a conclusion.

Below are some of the images that inspired me as i was in the process of creating my character :

Sunday 2 October 2011

My Character Archetype

After careful consideration, I decided that my character archetype should be a Shadow. A Zombie or a walking dead character can be classed as a shadow, these characters are to make a normal human being feel uneasy and far from being safe. I first wanted my character to be an Anti Hero, this is a character that should classically be disliked but in my context he would have played the lead role which means the audience should sympathise and/or like him, but the shadow archetype is more fitting.

Other types of archetypes :

Darth Vader is a good example of a Shadow archetype 

Other archetypes are: 

Willing Hero : King Arthur; Leelu from The Fifth Element; Hercules

Unwilling Hero : Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbitt, Phillipe Gaston from Ladyhawke

Cynical Anti-hero : Han Solo from Star Wars

Tragic Anti-hero : Lestat from Ann Rices' Vampire Chronicles; Darth Vader from Star Wars

Group-oriented Hero : CuChulainn from Irish myth.

Loner Hero : Indiana Jones, Xena from Xena: Warrior Princess

Catalyst Hero : Any mentor (s/he's the hero of their own stories)

Weetabix Advert & The Behind the Scenes :

I like the creativity of this video, they used popular culture music i.e dub-step to introduce the product to a younger audience. In the making of the video we were shown different techniques used to make this advert. the techniques used were the green screen technology, life size costumes, puppetry and high speed cameras. if i were to do a project similar to this i would like to use these techniques but i would also use Maya for animation to make things much easier & cost effective.

This is the final product

This is the behind the scenes

Roman Muradov : Illustrator, Cartoonist

Roman's artwork inspires me to draw characters with personality, his artwork has its own style. He creates cartoon characters hence having to give them a personality.

He also creates comics, his latest one is Psychic Detective, it includes 14 pages of P/d indigest, as well as extra material and deleted pages. Below is the link to his Blog: