Sunday 11 November 2012

Game Art & Machinima: Surveillance [Draft 1]

The first draft I came up with was about surveillance, it is about two characters interacting with each other in an elevator. They are in a urban cooperate building, their mission is to explore the rooms in search of the server room. They are being surveyed through CCTV cameras and given instructions by an anonymous person heard through a tannoy, they're are given clues on where to go. 

-When the characters are in the elevator idle, a female voice is heard over the tannoy:
"This is not a training exercise, you're equipped with live rounds and your mission is to locate the server room. You have exactly 60 seconds until the floor security is activated. Good-luck gentlemen."

-When the voice is done talking, the elevator doors reach the top floor and a ping sound is heard and the doors open. The characters begin to walk/run through the corridors trying to locate the right door.

Character & Environment ideas :- 

  • Elevator
  • CCTV in elevator
  • No dialogue heard as the characters speak as this will be viewed from CCTV cameras 
  • Simple hand gestures when the characters speak
  • Long narrow corridors in a cooperate building, plain carpets, walls, neon lighting, office water coolers, plants, chart posters and doors.

This idea didn't end up being chosen by my group.

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