Wednesday 27 November 2013

OUDF601: Practical Synthesis

On our CoP3 module, we're required to integrate our extended essay with a practical idea of choice; the definition of synthesis is the combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole. In my case, my essay is about whether visual effects can improve or detract from cinema. I brainstormed through a couple of ideas that were likely possible concepts to use & I came to a conclusion of the following.
Practical Idea: To use two indistinguishable scenarios, in which they're both the similar but only one of them features computer generated imaging while the other uses traditional special effects. Judgment will then be made to which is the superior footage, the one with conventional special effects or the other that features contemporary digital effects.

A conceivable idea that can be done within the short amount of time that I have is as follows: To use an actor dressed in character as a man with magical powers, otherwise identified in legends and fairytales as wizard. The idea is to have the character hold a magical orb, through special effects the orb will be made to hover and glow. The second scenario is to use digital effects; use a CG orb modeled in Autodesk Maya and through compositing software such as Adobe After Effects and Nuke, I will add animated effects such as glow, particle effects & more.


· Brainstorm Ideas
· Research appropriate locations
· Storyboard
· Recruit an actor
· Equipment (Camera 5D MKII, Green screen, Lighting, Sound)


· Filming
· 3-D Modeling

Post Production:

· Compositing
· Digital Effects
· Colour Correction
· Editing

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