Friday 23 May 2014

OUDF602: Web and Social Media Presence

In the busy freelance world, how do I make myself stand out from the pack and attract those clients I'm always dreaming of having on my books? Web & Social Media Presence.

First and foremost it's important to understand exactly what I need to offer to potential clients. Finding a trait that differs me from others in the industry can be very helpful & could make me stand out in this saturated competitive market. The first thing I considered was to tailor a a distinctive logo design, as I was briefing the company that designed it for me I described the tone of voice to be 'colourful, fun but professional. I also provided a specific colour scheme to insure the design stood out.

Once this was tailored I then created a Facebook page as I felt this is where I would reach the most market. Contacts are definitely my biggest asset at this moment. 

Creating an open network such as Twitter also helped provide a perfect platform for myself to engage in conversation with clients and other peers in my field and helped build relationships. 

Networks such as Facebook, Tumblr, Vimeo and Flickr serve a platform to show off my expertise and gain some recognition. 

Of course networking offline is just as important.

I've included links to all sites I have added information/profiles to below:

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