Friday 27 January 2012

Marvel Comics Opening Sequence

During our storyboard process for our first poem interpretation short film, Yoni came up with an idea of having the main character dream about the good times he's had in the past with his best friend. The best way we thought could interpret this was to produce a fast montage of images as a dream, since he was a photographer. The first idea I had in mind was the iconic video montage of comics which was done by Marvel, for the introductions of their films and games. Yoni the director of the project loved the idea and asked me to make a similar visual effect for our project.

I then collected at least 20 images that included the cast of this project, these were all from Facebook, I saved them as Jpegs and then imported them onto After Effects. I started key framing the images one by one in a vertical order. I used a fast motion blur to make the motion seem more natural and of course fast, rendered the footage at 25 fps to be edited with the rest of the footage on Final Cut Pro. The footage looked amazing and was defiantly going to be part of the film. 

Below is the opening sequence by Marvel: 

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