Tuesday 31 January 2012

Colour Grading Issues

During my editing stage of our second film, I had some issues with the colour correction. We filmed the second film in two different days but at the same location. The problem we had with that is there were different weather conditions during the two days. It started off with an overcast sky, high winds, frost, snow and on the second day it was completely sunny therefore that meant we would have continuity issues. The best way I tackled that Issue was by using the colour correcter on Final Cut Pro and on After Effects. Some of the shots had the highlights and the mids of the picture too bright such as the sky, that also wasn't much of a problem to solve.
To make the film seem a bit more cinematic I added the CC Toner effect, Curves to adjust the tone and Vignette to darken the edges which is all located under the effects presets on After Effects. This gave me a sort of golden look to the picture with a vignette around the edges.

Here's a 'dutch tilt' shot of a raw unedited footage and a colour corrected one below :

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