Monday 6 February 2012

Mighty Antlers

As I was researching for animated films and practitioners, I came across this video called 'Mighty Antlers'. It's a short film directed by Sune Reinhardt who works with a company called The animation workshop. They used Auto-desk Maya to model the characters and the environment, other software used were Photoshop, After Effects, Fusion, z Brush and Adobe Premiere. What intrigues me about this animation is its noir style, it has a very distinct look to it, a twisted unexpected story and it is just an incredible piece of animation. 
The vehicle movement inspired me a lot as my piece of animation that i'm producing involves an animated car. The way the vehicle takes the bends at high speed and the sound of the engine is very articulate. 
The textures that the 'deer' produced, the render layers and the environment were executed very well using After effects. A lot of post production work came into play on the making of this animation, the video is below, enjoy :

Mighty Antlers from The Animation Workshop on Vimeo.

The Animation work workshop also posted a video which reveals how they made the animation, this is a 7 minute video of the making of :

making of Mighty Antlers - Sune Reinhardt from Sune Reinhardt on Vimeo.

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