Wednesday 8 February 2012

Seed Animation Studios: London

Seed Animation Studios is a London based company that was founded by Neil Kidney and Morgan Powell back in 2003. Their work is very unique, inspiring and technically proficient. Their work is featured on most UK TV channels, posters, the world wide web and other forms of digital media. They create commercials, idents, brands, virals, interstitials and short films.
Most of the animation features a lot of interesting techniques such as squash and stretch as they specialise in distinctive character design, therefore a lot of their characters have exaggerated movement and cartoony anatomies. 

What inspires me about they're work is the use of lighting, use of colour, compositing, sound design and texturing. I've noticed their work on TV and it's very distinct.
Here's a 2012 showreel of their work on the video below :

Seed Animation showreel 2012 from Seed Animation Studio on Vimeo.

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