Friday 10 February 2012

Distant Future Animation Studio

We recently had an unexpected visit from one of the ex-College Of Art students. Him and his colleague came to show us where they are in life three years after leaving education. They now own an animation studio known as Distant Future Animation Studios located in bradford. The services they provide in their company are Character Design and Animation, Product and Medical Visualisations for companies, Motion graphics and Logo Animation, Stereophonic 3D, Motion Capture and Music Videos. They're main tool is Autodesk Maya.

What inspired me is that it is possible to work for yourself and develop yourself in a short period of time, even though it's not easy it is worth that shot. They mentioned that now a days it is very difficult for animators to find paying jobs after graduating. Being a freelance animator also doesn't pay much unless you're widely known. 

They're company is now credible and profitable since they acquired office space, not only that but they've also worked for big clients such a E4, N-power, RBS and Mercedes Benz.

Here's a clip of their latest showreel : 

Distant Future Animation Studio 2012 Showreel from Distant Future Animation Studio on Vimeo.

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