Wednesday 1 February 2012

Editing: Preserving A Clear Continuity

The role I brought into this project was to edit the footage. I did a bit of research into preserving a clear continuity as it is something you have to have a good eye for. I found a video montage called 'Move' by a filmmaker known as Rick Mereki. The video is a minute long and it shows Rick walking towards the camera, only he does it from various locations. He also did the editing of the film therefore he had to preserve a clear continuity as the clips are from different location but in the same angle. The video is below:

MOVE from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

He then did more videos that envolved some skill in editing, this follwing one is about food and its called 'Eat':

EAT from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

The final video he did called 'Learn' is different from the two above as it does not require any continuity, its almost as if the shots where chosen at random. Other interesting aspects involved in this last video are depth of field shots that were achieved by using the macro lens and the beautiful colour grading which was done in post production. 

LEARN from Rick Mereki on Vimeo.

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