Monday 13 May 2013

OUDF502: Competition Brief // Why I Chose It

The reason I chose to enter this particular competition is so I can further my skills on my provided tools such as Maya and Photoshop and to also gain more confidence in the process, that will help me into entering more in the future. This will also benefit me in getting my name out to other people other than my peers, and to show what level of skill I have gained over the last 2 years of my education. Producing a portfolio with a body of quality work is vital at the end of my third year therefore this would be another great addition to compile with the rest of my work.

Being pro active is a necessity hence entering competitions is a good stepping-stone. I plan on entering more short competitions during the summer holidays to help me get pro active, this will also benefit me in terms of networking with other students outside of my course.

The next step I need to take on tackling this current competition I’ve entered is by doing a fair bit of research and development and start drawing some concept art work. My art skills are not where I need them to be so therefore this would be another great exercise to practise and polish my skills. 

They mentioned that if a winner were chosen they would need to see the portfolio of work, meaning the artwork and all the projects files. I believe they do this to avoid plagiarism.

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