Tuesday 13 March 2012

Contextual Studies: Typography

"Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make language visible. In modern times, typography has been put into motion—in film, television and online broadcasts—to add emotion to mass communication". Wikipedia
Dedone fonts are fonts used for high class media like the font of Vogue magazine, where as Helvetica is a morden font used in Airports and Subways. Typography is a stylized visual communication tool and it works perfectly in motion for film. 
The film Metropolis was one of the first films to have animated title sequences, they were so good that people actually enjoyed watching them as if they were the actual film. The titles featured animated architecture along side with the titles. Here's a link to the video below : 

A recent film that capture my attention with very interesting title sequences is 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by David Fincher. Fincher is known for having interesting sequences in his films, the film 'Se7en' being a perfect example. You can almost say the sequences are a mini movie with a perfect score behind it. 
'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' titles where created by a CGI company called 'Blur Studios' with Tim Miller as the design leader working closely with David Fincher. David had spoken to Tim requesting an opening sequence animation that had abstract imagery that felt like a fever dream. Though I felt the titles did not reference anything that was in the film, they were very well animated and high quality rendered. They featured 3 dimensional models (lead characters) covered completely in what appears to be flowing black liquid that looks like oil, there's also fire and animated multimedia components, aswel as a dragon. It also features a crow engulfed in flames sort of like they're trying to portray a phoenix rising. They complimented this footage by adding a score of music called 'Immigrant Song' by Karen O, Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross. Fincher mentioned that this song is what sparked the idea. 

Their choice of typography was excellent as it went well with the atmosphere of the film, the main font they used is called 'GDT Gothic' Below is their font set they created:

Here's the final main title design : 

Here are the sequence titles for the cast and crew : 

Below are the aesthetics of the lead characters in render mode :

And finally here's the video of the complete and final title sequence:

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