Sunday 25 March 2012

Social Networking & Media Platforms

We now live in a society where information is passed around in seconds, thanks to the new digital age, internet and social networking and media platforms. 

'Linked in' is a platform used for businesses and professionals, its like a directory but with testimonials and recommendations to other people's work. Most businesses and individuals discover each other through linked in. LinkedIn reported to have more than 135 million registered users in more than 200 countries and territories.

'Flickr' is a media platform for image storage, one may ask what the point in this is, when they can upload all their images on facebbok for example. Flickr offers users to upload their images in they're original quality in a way the photographer intended them to be. It offers multiple ways to upload photos through the web, mobile devices, email or photo applications. In 2011 Flickr had a total of 51 million registered members and 80 million unique visitors.

'Slideshare' is a media platform for hosting and sharing presentations, podcasts (slidecasts), the website is considered to be similar to YouTube, but for slide-shows. File formats such as PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote or Open Office presentations can be uploaded to the site. Notable users like the The White House and NASA use Slideshare for their presentations therefore making it a very important professional and/or educational tool.

Successful Blogging is to be social, visit other blogs, respond to comment, be generous, subscribe by email, share, know what you have posted about yourself, assume everything is permanent, be a conduit, be original, create a news feed, credit your sources, use keywords, interview somebody, beware widgets, left align your writing, post frequently, do not copy and pate from MS word, stick with your blog and keep it updated frequently. 

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