Tuesday 13 March 2012

Paul Morricone (Director/Editor) Freelance

Paul Morricone has been working for 10 years as an Editor and an in house Director in the UK film industry, 2 of those years as a freelance. He's worked in commercials, virals, web-films, music videos and corporate films. He can use any post production package from Avid to Final Cut Pro to Adobe Premier. It is important for any Editor nowadays to be familiar with any post production package as more and more companies are leaving all the workload on one individual. It is also good for a CV and it easily gets attention of the people hiring.
Paul mentioned that it is important to make a showreel of all the work you have done as a quick visual representation of your lifetime's work, showreels are not only interesting to watch but they provide vital information of what type of projects an individual's been involved in and their style of work.
He also mentioned that it is very important to specialise into a certain aspect in whatever you do, to insure that you know your area of work very well, specialising is what we're going to be focusing on in third year. 
He mentioned that it is important to own your own equipment other than relying on borrowing or renting, most clients do not provide any production equipment. Choosing the right location is also vital, filming in London is tough and very expensive, smaller and less busy cities are a wiser choice.
"The most important out of all is to go to networking events and get yourself known". It does not always guarantee any contacts or clients but its important to find out what other people are doing and the best way to approach a person is ask about them instead of talking about yourself.

Paul was a very inspirational speaker and also gave us plenty chances to ask him questions, below is a link to his website that includes his work and a way to contact him

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