Monday 3 December 2012

Game Art: Robot // Modelling

After sketching out a couple of ideas for my character, me and my team came to an agreement to my chosen idea. I decided to model a robotic character. The idea was to create a rigid character that had humanoid features but did not move like a human being. The robot has a huge rounded head that works as its body, meaning the arms and the legs pop out directly from the head. The robot has one eye. The modelling process wasn't hard at all as level 2 had prepared me for this, the only hard part was figuring out how the robot was going to work in terms of animation. 

The illustration below shows the two different ideas I had for how the arms were going to rotate. On my initial idea (figure 1) (circled in red) I came to a realisation that the robot would only be able to rotate on the Y axis but not on the Z axis. Therefore I had to design another concept that would allow me to rotate the arms on the X,Y,Z axis. A ball shaped shoulder immediately came to mind (circled in blue) and this would have allowed me to rotate the arms on all axis, I went ahead with this idea.

figure 1
On figure 2 below I had to create the drills for the arms, this was simple to do as I only had to create a polygon pyramid, the only challenge was creating the grooves on the drill. I achieved this by extruding out alternating subdivisions and applying a non linear twist deformer, the result being figure 3 below.

figure 2

figure 3
Below is the finished version of the model.

figure 4
This is the version of the robot with the eye, the next stage is texturing the model.

figure 5

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