Thursday 6 December 2012

Game Art & Machinima: Final Crit Session

 On our final Crit session, days before the deadline, we were given an opportunity to go round the studio to look at each others work. We gave positive/negative feedback to our  fellow peers unanimously. This is very helpful as it narrows down all your prons and cons therefore able to tackle a specific problem with given solutions quickly. During this Crit session, I only receive two types of feedback from my peers. The first is just appraisal on how they like my Robot, how the textures look good, good geometry edge flow and its realism, I couldn't help but feel goo about this, considering this time last year my confidence on Maya was very low. The second type of feedback was that the character does not match with the other one and the environment. Unfortunately this is a problem which is too late to fix, there for is it feedback I'll make sure to use in the future.

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