Thursday 6 December 2012

Game Art & Machinima: Fahrenheit (Quantic Dream)

On the NTSC formats in America, this game is known as Indigo Prophecy and on the PAL formats in Europe it is known as Fahrenheit. 
It is made by same games developer who made 'Heavy Rain' (Quantic Dream). Quantic Dream is an inspiring industry practitioner who develop original games, with the types of games that they use, you either love them or hate them. 

On Fahrenheit there are many murders happening in New York and the player plays two sides to a story, one side is a man who's been taken over by something and is trying to figure out what is happening to him and is trying to stop this madness, the other side is the police who are investigating these strange New York murders. The game-play has an interesting control system, for example wiping blood on the floor  using a mop is controlled by moving the analogue stick up and down. 

This game is one of the most original titles in the PS2 systems, it uses Machinima for its cut scenes. The game's art direction is outstanding, Fahrenheit feels and looks like a movie, this is due to the way the camera angles and pans around the character. Also adding to the cinematic view is the game's use of extra screens to display actions happening in more than one place at a time, this was also incorporated in their latest instalment 'Heavy Rain'. Often when key actions are happening, your screen will split into 2 or 3 allowing the gamer to see the different events.

Below is the Gameplay

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