Thursday 6 December 2012

Robot & Mammoo Creative Differences

After the robot was fully modelled, it had huge creative differences with Mammoo, this was due to the way I textured it. Using realistic textures such a industrialized metal gave the robot a near photo-real look whereas Mammoo textures painted from Photoshop  as a result Mammoo looked cartoony. This obviously was a problem as the robot wouldn't match the other character and the also the environment. 
At the point I had realised this, it was a bit too late for me to go back into the modelling and texturing process, so I was only advised to reflect upon this on a blog-post. 
This issue is probably cause by little communication between the team members. 
Below are the illustrations of Mammoo and the Robot.

Figure 1 are the painted textures done by my team member Jess, they are a simple 3 shades of blue, this definitely gave the character a cartoony look to it.

figure 1

Figure 2 is the finished UV mapped version of Mammoo.

figure 2

Figure 3 are the type of textures I used for my robot.

figure 3

Figure 4 is the finally Robot, as you can tell the visual differences are broad.
figure 4

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