Wednesday 20 February 2013

OUDF504: Filming Green-screen Footage

With my storyboard complete, I knew what I needed to film and what sort of equipment would be handy to me. I also made early decisions and planning by buying props. I needed a hospital surgical gown for my actor (Tim) and I also kind heartedly asked members of my class to provide me with some fake blood. Since a majority of my colleagues are cos-players, it wasn't very hard to get a handout of the fake blood from them, Lija and Luca where kind enough to both bring some on the day of the filming. As for the surgical gown, I had to make a purchase on eBay, it cost me no more that £5. 

On the day of shooting I required some major equipment such as:

  • XD cam
  • Tripod
  • x3 Red Head Lights
  • Reflector
  • Boom Mic
  • Monitor
  • x2 Green screen cloths
  • Clamps/clips to hold cloth
  • Green screen stand
  • Pop-up green screen
  • Track and Dolly
  • Crane 

Filming took me approximately 20-30 minutes, I had to make this process short as there were a few of us needing to shoot different scenes and there were also time constraints. I felt I directed the shoot well and I got enough support and help from my colleagues.

The problems I faced while filming were:
  • The size of the green screen width wise was short considering my actor was laid down horizontally, therefore his feet and his head were poking out of the green screen area. I fixed this problem by having two people stand at the back with an even wider green screen, this solved the problem.
  •  The second screen had many creases and shadows, this will become a problem when I'm compositing the footage.

Overall I was pleased with all the scenes I shot as they all matched the ones I drew on my storyboard.

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