Wednesday 20 February 2013

OUDF504: PPP Session | Building Plate Test

We had a PPP session with Annabeth and we did a quick comp test of the spaceship flying above the building. This included a lot of masking, particularly the sky as I completely swapped it from a grey overcast one to a fine blue one with a few clouds. This also meant I had to manipulate the reflections on the windows of the huge office block in order to match the sky and bring out the realism, of course not forgetting colour correction.

Below is when I was setting up the perspective cameras on Maya using an image plane of the building before it was edited. I also began to model a spaceship for the test.

Below is when I was using a simple solid to determine where the actual space ship was going to fly over. Here the building has been masked out and the sky has been changed. I also changed some colour correction to make the atmosphere of the weather match the clouds and the sky, the windows have also been masked out.

Below is when my spaceship was rendered out as an alpha channel. Rendering and exporting the animated spaceship from Maya to After Effects was the part I found challenging & I need to run through this lesson on my own. 

Below is the final animated spaceship composited into After Effects.


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