Saturday 13 April 2013

OUDF501: Essay Practical Responce

In response to my essay, the area of study I have chosen to focus on is Panopticism in Religion. Many religions believe in an all-powerful, all-seeing god that sees everything that you do. They believe that their god punishes those who “sin” or go against the rules/laws within the religion, often these rules are outlined in a book such as the Bible for Christianity or a Quran for Muslims. This constant omnipotence of god resembles Panopticism in which there's an invisible force that encourages you to abide to the rules for the sake of avoiding punishment.

The digital media artefact that I chose to produce in order to demonstrates the theories and concepts introduced in relation to the practice is a digital artwork of what most may call a holy deity.

This image above illustrates a deity on a church stained glass, watching over what is a representation of the masses worshipping it. The twist to this image is that the omnipotence of this deity is literal and to demonstrate this I drew a number of security cameras as visual representation that the deity is always watching everything you do at all times. This image has a ver strong depiction to Foucault's 'Panopticism'.

On this project I collaborated with Sophie, she kindly painted the artwork for me on Photoshop, I drew out a sketch before hand to show her exactly what I required.

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