Thursday 20 March 2014

OUDF603: 123D Catch First Attempt.

Judging by the results, It's safe to say the first attempt of my scan wasn't a success. To my knowledge, this is due to the location in which I shot my series of images. The amount of background information given out to the software was a little too much, 123D catch didn't know what exact areas to render out, therefore giving out distorted results. 

By watching a series of tutorials from their website, I was provided with information that shooting images in an outdoor environment is a good idea as long as is good weather that provides diffused lighting. As the day was sunny and partly cloudy, I followed this information by shooting outside in a shaded area. I placed my scale model on top of a green wheelie bin, looking back at it now, that wasn't the best idea.

What I will do differently next time is, I will shoot indoors, even if the lighting isn't the best, I will shoot using the RAW setting on my DSLR. These Raw files will allow me to drastically change the colour temperature, exposure, contrast, highlights etc to suit my needs. 

Below is an art-board of some of the shots I took: 

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