Tuesday 21 May 2013

OUDF503: Ira Glass On Being Creative

Ira Glass is an American public radio personality, host and producer of the radio and television show 'This American Life'. He was once interviewed about Story-telling by current TV and he gave some intriguing advice on how to stay creative in writing stories. I felt his advice applied to all creative work, not just writing, his advice can be applied to artists, filmmakers, games designers, animators, basically to anyone who is a content maker.

It is important to watch the video if one feels the need to be motivated. He explains on the video that, he himself took longer than anyone else he knows to be good at what he does, he just persisted and he never quit. He mentions that a lot of creative people have good taste but they can tell that whatever they are making is not as good, that is what leads people to quit. Most creative people that he knows including himself went through a phase of years in which they really had good taste, they could tell what they were making wasn't as good as they wanted it to be and he explains that this is completely is normal. The most important thing we as creative people could do, is do a lot of work, to go through a large volume of work and set ourselves targets every week or every month to make sure we fill in that gap that will make us masters at what we do.

What I learnt from his advice is to not give up on myself and keep working even when I've not been allocated any work to do. To constantly learn during my spare time and to always have passion to what I do and most importantly to have good taste. 

Part 3 of the video was turned into motion graphics, in which it really inspired me during the process of making my own trans media motion graphics video, this video also applies to trans media. See below

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