Wednesday 13 March 2013

OUDF504: BeamFX

Creating the Beam effect on After Effects was an easy task to do, my Idea is to have Tim zapped with a laser like beam effect and vaporise into smoke. Of course this doesn't mean that he is dead, its a way for the Aliens to abduct him into the Ship. The choice of colour I chose for the laser beam is a deep red, as it is a standard colour for most lasers, the same colour went for the smoke. 

The image below (figure 1) illustrates this: 

figure 1

The smoke was not hard to create either as I got an already made preset, all I had to do was drop it into the layers as an alpha channel and set the mode to overlay. The image below (figure 2) illustrates the final outcome of the smoke effect.

What I had to be wary about was the backplate footage in which Andy and Dan are running (figure 3). On the shot they run through Tim, so in this case I had to make sure that he was beamed before they were at the position in which he was stood. 

Overall this task took me no longer than an hour to do, now all I have to do is render the footage as a .mov file and import it on Final Cut Pro to edit with the rest of the film.

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