Wednesday 20 March 2013

OUDF501: COP Level 5 Essay Proposal Form

Course Title: DIGITAL FILM, GAMES AND ANIMATION ______________________________________________________


Provisional Essay Title or Topic: Panopticism In Religion

Main issues addressed by your essay and the thrust of your argument: 

  • The constant omnipotence of god resembles Panopticism in which there's an invisible force above that encourages you to abide to the rules for the sake of avoiding punishment. 
  • How religion is used to control people 
  • How religion is used to make profit 
  • How religion is used to create rules and take away rights from others, for example, homosexuals not being allowed to marry because it's wrong under the eyes of god. 
What visual material will you look at? 


History Channel
You Tube

What theoretical perspective / methodology will you use? – e.g., Identity, Sustainability, Panopticism, Marxism, gender analysis, the gaze, semiotic analysis, feminism, discourse analysis, genre theory, psychoanalysis, Critical Theory (post-Marxism, Frankfurt School Tradition), consumption:


Which specific theorists / writers will you refer to? 
Jeremy Bentham

Michael Foucault 
Philip Schofield
David Watkin


Books / Articles / Resources Already Located (Using Harvard)
1. Brunon-Ernst, A. (2012) Beyond Foucault: New perspective on Bentham's panopticon. Surrey: Ashgate
2. Foucault, M. (1975) Disciplin and Punish: The Birth of a Prison. London: Penguin
3. Watkin, D (1986) A History of Western Architecture. London: Laurence King Publishing
4. Schofield, P (2009) Bentham: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Continuum International Publishing Group
5. Foucault, M. (1970) Foucault: The Order of Things. Oxon: Tavistock

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