Friday 15 March 2013

OUDF504: HR Giger

During my research for the VFX module, I decided to dig more into depth on HR Giger's body of work. After watching the latest blockbuster 'Prometheus', I was really intrigued by the visual effects incorporated into the film. The concept art work that Giger did in the 80's was still good enough and relevant that they were used in Prometheus. It's a unique and more realist take to what aliens are. Ridley Scott and HR Giger have known and worked together since the 70's. The visual effects in the film remained true to Giger's style and do not adhere to mainstream preconception or Hollywood's usual depiction of extraterrestrial life. 

I read HR Giger's book and it is titled 'HR Giger ARh+' the book has a lot of illustrations drawn by Giger himself and almost all of the images seem to depict a lot of humanoid bio organism sexual art that portrays Satanism and sexual desire. On most illustrations this is subliminal but on some it is very evident. A lot of his art was used in the latest blockbuster Prometheus.

Below are some of the screen shots of the book that I was reading to further understand his work.

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