Wednesday 13 March 2013

OUDF504: Compositing Tim into Environment

Compositing Tim into the environment again proved to be another easy task, I was figuring out a lot for myself as I was going along & this led me to experiment a lot. The key features I used on this project were the Key-light 1.2 preset to mask out Tim from the green screen and make him blend to the environment. Comping Tim into the spaceship wasn't enough to make him blend with his surroundings, so I had to look at the key features of the room to achieve the look I was going for. I noticed there was a lot of light and glow intensity coming in from the window and the wall lights, therefore my first mission was to try and match this. I first decided to use 'Levels' effect to deepen the blacks and brighten the whites on Tim's clothing and skin, I then decided to use the colour correction feature to match the colours, I realised making him black and white was the best solution. Adding a glow intensity matched him with the lighting of the room.

Below is an illustration of the outcome

The footage still felt a bit plain to me so I decided to add extra features to make it more interesting.

ECG Heart Monitor: Since this was a hospital concept, I decided add a ECG machine to monitor the heart rate of the patient. I simply downloaded a video off You tube and imported it into AE, I turned the mode into 'Sceen' to try and get the hologram effect.

Earth Trap-code Video Effect: This is another hologram effect of a rotating earth I decided to to import into the footage. This is a file I downloaded from the Internet, the file has a 'Creative Commons Licence' therefore meaning anyone can use it as long as you credit the author. To make this hologram more effective and realistic, I added a glow on it > Duplicated the layer > Rotated it 180 degrees > Moved it down so it can match the floor level > Reduced to opacity to 50% > added a fast blur effect.

Particle Effect: I decided to add particles to to the entire room to give it more life as there was very minimal movement. I used the CC particle world effect and this worked very well.

My next objective is to import the Alien into the scene.

Below is the final Composite of how it looks like.

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