Tuesday 12 March 2013

OUDF504: L'Odyssée de Cartier

L'Odyssée de Cartier is a short film created under Digital District VFX company, Its a french made film and directed by Bruno Aveillan. The first time I watched the Cartier short film, I instantly adored how cinematic it looked. I also thought the assets used where all computer generated but after watching the behind the scenes I was very surprised. Among all the assets used in this short film that I was sure were CGI , were the cheetah, the elephant, the diamond encrusted snakes and lizards, the plane, the horses and the sets. 

figure 1
Figure 1 above for example is a real-life cheetah leashed by it's trainer, on the final video the leash has been composited out. Before I had knowledge on weather this cheetah was real or not, I though they had used the same technology that the VFX house 'Rhythm & Hue' used on Life of Pie. 

figure 2
Figure 2 is a chinese dragon in which it was computer generated but the rocks falling around it are real as they were filmed on location

figure 3
Figure 3 is the actual elephant they filmed on location then composited into film in post production. Im my view I think it would have been cost effective to model a digital version of the elephant, in that way they would have had more control of what they wanted it to do. 

figure 4
Figure 4 is another shot that I thought might have cost them a considerable amount of money to shoot, the director actually shot this scene on location against a green screen measuring at least 200m, this scene could have been shot at a studio without the need of the horses, the long backdrop and also the camera rig to have to capture moving footage. this would have been cost effective.

Below is a behind the scenes footage which shows the  making of the short film.

Below is the final video of the short film.

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