Monday 21 May 2012

Creative Sectors & Services

The three industry sectors

  • The primary sector, extraction and harvesting of natural resources 
  • The secondary sector, processing, manufacturing and construction 
  • The tertiary sector, knowledge and services
There are also these sectors

1st sector
public sector = publically owned or state owned; example = local government, NHS etc 

2nd Sector
private sector = privately owned and usually run for profit

3rd sector
voluntary, charity, community owned businesses not for profit distribution. Examples include RSPCA, NSPCC, etc 

The creative Industries 

•  Advertising
•  Architecture
•  Arts and Antique markets
•  Crafts
•  Design
•  Designer Fashion
•  Film Video and photography
•  Software, computer games and electronic publishing
•  Music and the visual and performing arts
•  Publishing
•  Television
•  Radio

Software, computer games and electronic publishing and  Film Video and photography usually fall under 2nd sector, which is known as the private sector. These can be companies such as Future publishing, Red sharkTV, Sony Playstation etc

•TSOs  are the third sectors

•It includes voluntary and community organisations
•Professional associations
•self-help groups and community groups
•social enterprises,
•mutuals and co-operatives.

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