Tuesday 22 May 2012

Social Media Success

This lecture was about how social networking is desperately important and how it could help a person get recognised. 

Social Media platforms help people network.

  • Facebook can be used for finding friends 
  • Finding like minded creatives 
  • Communicating with friends and colleagues
  • Organising events 
What is Twitter?
Twitter is like an open platform text messaging service, more of an information network rather than a social network. It lets you tell your followers about stuff that interests you 140 characters at a time.

What is Linked In?
  • Platform
  • For Business
  • Directory & links
  • Skills, services and expertise
  • Testimonials and recommendations
What is MySpace?
  • Social entertainment
  • Connecting people to the music, celebrities, TV, movies and games that they love
  • Nowadays its more for musicians
What is Flickr?
  • Photographer
  • Subject
  • Groups
What is Slide-share?
  • Host and share presentations
  • Synchronies an MP3 audio file (podcast) to create a slide cast
  • Resource site of presentations
This lecture helped me create a typography about Social Networking, I researched more of this information Online
The link to the typography I made is below

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