Monday 21 May 2012


On this lecture, we learnt 5 steps to creating perfect presentations. Presentations are different from evaluations, there are important step to creating one.

What is a presentation? Is it about
  • A communication
  • Tell them
  • Introduce a new idea to them
  • Show them
  • Explain it to them
  • Share a problem & ask the audience what they think
  • Explain the research & reveal your opinion
  • A documentary with evaluation
It isn't, a presentation is about the people you're presenting to. 90% of presentations are bad because they too much information to read. The text on the screen should be as little as possible, clip art and low res images are also a no no as they give an impression that you do not know what you're doing or you did not put enough time into your work. Bullet points can be very boring, so instead a video can capture a lot of attention and it is the best way to get the message across. 
Keeping the presentation as simple as possible is important, the simpler the better, but not too simple. Keep your slides at a maximum of 10, people get easily bored. Do quality research and prepare.

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