Sunday 12 May 2013

OUDF503: Kinetic Typography/Font/Typeface

Kinetic typography is the technical name for "moving text", its an animation technique for mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. This text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular idea or emotion.

The reason why I'm choosing typography to be the main element of my video is because of how interesting it is to watch, it captures the viewers attention and develops them to take pleasure on what they are watching.

I've done a fair bit amount of research on different videos that incorporate typography into them. I've also done research on typography it self to figure out what type of font is best, what colours are the most effective and choosing an appropriate font that is best for motion typography and considering readability factors into it. Choosing a typeface from a font family can be tricky but it's all about personal creative choice. The beauty and complexity of type, combined with an huge supply of options to evaluate, can be too much. While there are no easy-to-follow rules on how best to choose a typeface, there are many tried principles that I can quickly learn and apply to make an appropriate typeface choice. The typeface I believe is of choice by most graphic designers is between Helvetica and Ariel, they have the same typeface as they are part of the same family, they are also my favourite when it come to legibility and readability. 

Besides Helvetica and Ariel, I plan to choose a typeface that is going to form a strong impression in terms of how I want the audience to react to the text and motion. The choice of typeface needs to strike a good combination of both legibility and readability, while remaining appropriate for the audience and the message. 

Legibility will be very important in my video as the font is designed to be read instead of just being stared at a quick glance, letter forms composed of unique shapes cause the reader to have to process what they are looking at first, instead of just taking in the message, communication comes before style.

What I plan to do next is to compile various fonts of the same family or extended family in order to have multiple choice when it comes to choosing a typeface. I will search online and try to choose the one in which I would primarily like to work with. 

The main software I will use is Adobe After Effects CS6, I already have a basic understanding on how to composite layers of texts, therefore this process should not take any longer than a week.

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