Wednesday 22 May 2013


There has been a lot of speculation recently about which next gen console is the better one. What I will attempt to do is to compare what the consoles have under the hood. Using the facts, both the consoles have an 8 core CPU, the PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 Ram while the XBOX has 8GB of DDR3 Ram that is 3 times slower than GDDR5. The XBOX GPU has 32MB of on board cache that is 60% faster than DDR3, the PS4's GPU is 50% more powerful at the same clock speeds and there is a very high chance that its operating system will require less processing power in ram to work. At a standpoint, Microsoft seems to have created an entertainment box for a target audience such as families whereas Sony has created a gaming console for actual gamers. None the less, both system's power are the same only just that the PS4 is a little over clocked. 

At the conference, Sony revealed a lot of next gen games however they did not show the actual design of the console, they showed the interface briefly and they revealed the controller. So far the games that I'm personally looking forward to the most are as follows
  • Killzone Shadow fall
  • Watchdogs 
  • Knack
  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
  • Infamous
On the other hand, Microsoft revealed it's actual console to the press but they did not show any content of upcoming games, they only showed the interface of the system. 
Unfortunately non of the consoles have any back wards compatibly of previous games, this is something I'm sure a lot of people desperately want from both these companies but from a business stand point, it would be a loss to the companies. 

The controllers have both been modified and made to look very different, Sony has broken it's tradition of keeping the same look of the controllers. They did this to compensate for the new technologies built inside that have forced them to change the design. Overall both the controllers look beautiful though I've never been an Xbox fan, I must admit that the new controller look inviting. 

Below are the videos of the press conference: 

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