Wednesday 8 May 2013

OUDF502: Reflection on Power to the Pixels Exhibition

Before we broke up for Xmas holidays, we held an event we named power to the pixels. Reflecting back to the event, I would say it was definitely a success to an extent. 

The main objective of the event was to show to the public the main processes involved behind the techniques of our work and work flow. The work we had up at that time was mainly from the game art and machinima module, in which we had to create Characters and Performance for a In-Game Cinematic. The process to achieving this is very tedious and time consuming, our goal was to show it to people how we go through the many stages of development. Prior to the exhibition, we gather all of our work that we thought were necessary to show and nicely packaged to a presentation standard. We took everything from traditional storyboards to concept artwork and framed it up on the walls. For all the digital artifacts, it was all compiled into a mac book pro and presented as various animated slide shows and quick time movie cinematics, all viewed through a projector. My own work was the animated robot I developed through Maya and various other software, the concept art for the character and the final cinematic we did as a group. 

My role at this exhibition was to be the photographer, being the photographer meant I had to be constantly alert for photo ops. From my view point I noticed that all the guests that came to view our work were pleased at our progress and were quiet interested to see how it is all done as it is not anything straight forward and simple to understand. Besides that, I feel this event was very fundamental as it gives us criticism from a non professional point of view and by that meaning someone who isn't in the games industry or familiar with the work flow involved. I strongly believe this event should be repeated again this year.

All in all everyone had a good time. The only downside was that the location of the exhibit was a bit hard to find as it was also a very cold night. 

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