Tuesday 21 May 2013

OUDF503: Sound Ideas & Inspiration

During the editing process of my video, I kept wondering what kind of sound I would need to compliment the video. The type of music I kept hearing in my head was Soundtrack music with featured instruments such as Pizzicato, Clarinet,  Flute, Percussion, Xylophone, Marimba, Celesta. I immediately logged into incompetech.com where I could find royalty free music to search for this type of music. Incompetech is a free music site in which you could use what ever sound you wish without having to worry about the copyright infringement laws. 

while doing research on the type of music I wanted, I came across a music producer by the name of Rob Simonsen. He has worked in the music department for such films as Life of Pi, Surfs Up, Money Ball and TV shows such as Blue Blood and Dollhouse. The one soundtrack I was intrigued by that he did was for the i-phone 5 advert and it's called Falcon Hero. The sound features the same types of instruments as I was searching for such as pizzicato, clarinets, xylophone etc. 

Below is the video of the i-phone 5 commercial that features Rob's soundtrack 

The sound I finally found from incompetech added a bit of a humorous feel to the entire video and overall it fits perfectly with the look of the video and gives it a good feel. I've decided to use it as the final choice. 

Below is a widget to Rob's Sound-cloud, another sound I really found interesting from there is called 'Facing the Obstacles'. His music is copyright protected therefore I couldn't use any of the sounds.

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