Thursday 22 May 2014

OUDF602: Business Cards | Development

To create my business cards, I decided I needed a professional to do this for me, I then commissioned a designer from America to create me a logo that I would use for freelance work in Film & Photography. The designer charges $60 for one design including 2 revisions when you don't like the initial design. 

It was quite interesting to to be the client for once and call all the shots. What I first did to get the design started was write him a brief of exactly what I wanted & also send source material to give him an idea of what I want the final outcome to look like. 

Here's the brief below:


Client: Shot by WIZ photography

Briefed to:

Amount paid: $60

An alternate e-mail address:


Q:Product/Company history?
A: Nightclub and Event photography for the past 2 years, Film, Games & Animation student

Q:What it does? (about the company)
A: Freelance photography, videography at various nightclubs in the city, mostly student nights.

Q:Main Competitors?
A: Other photographers

Q:Which of the competitor's logos appeal to you? Why?
A: photographer named Tom Joy’s logo, because of its simplicity; it has a custom typeface & that is something that is appealing to me, meaning no one else can have your font.

Q:Give some examples of logos that you like. 

(This is IMPORTANT for us to understand the style you are after, please provide links to actual logos.)

A: I have attached a Jpeg of a logo above, that I would like you to sort of replicate and follow it’s design style, the logo is a map of North America, instead of the map, I would like you to design an abstract shape of your choosing but following the design style of the logo provided. Where it say “Obama ’08 | All Colors Together” I would like you to put “Shot by | WIZ”.

Q:Where do you see the company/product/service going?
A: Being recognized by more event promoters, other photographers and gaining fans on my page & work being published.

Q:What design work has been carried out previously for the company/product? What do see as the
positive and negative aspects of that work?

A: Non

Q:What specifically sets you apart from your competition?
A: Nothing at the moment, I’m hoping this logo will give me my own individuality and personality.

Q:Objectives of the logo design?
A: To give me my own identity and gain me more recognition in my field

Target Audience

Q:Who is your services directed towards?
A: Young adults, students, nightclub promoters.


Q:Should I use a tagline/slogan for the logo (if yes, what should it say)? (no more than 3-4 words)

A: Non

Q:What name do you want to use with the logo?
A: Shot by | WIZ

Q:If you were to describe your product in one line, what would it be?
A: Colourful

Tone of Voice

A: Fun, Colorful but professional

Q:What is the overall message you are trying to convey to your target audience?

(For example: cost-effective, secure, reliable, efficient, etc.) MENTION ONLY ONE.

A: Creative


Q:Specific colours that MUST be used?

(Please provide a color scheme that you like/suggest, use the to pick a color scheme and paste the link here)

A: Please follow the color scheme from the logo attached.


Q:How will you measure the success of the Design?

A: If it closely resembles the logo provided but hopefully without infringing copyright.


Q:Any other info you'd like to make me aware of? A: Non

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