Monday 12 May 2014

OUDF603: Nuke Crashing & Losing all the Work

As I was importing a high resolution 4K clip into Nuke the processing power must have some how took a toll & gave up, the application unexpectedly quit without warning. At this moment I wasn't too worried as I knew that Nuke has a Cache system and it saves work every 5 minutes, all I had to do was re-open the project and get on with where I left off right? Wrong. 

At this point I was almost done with my composition & I was doing the final touches ready to export, when I re-opened the project I was welcomed by a script reading 'PLE mode encrypted scripts can't be loaded in standard Nuke', see illustration below:

I didn't know what this meant so I went ahead & clicked 'OK', when the project opened, It was watermarked all over the screen because apparently Nuke reverted to using the Personal Learning Edition Licence. Not knowing how to sort this I went to seek for some help from the DT forums & luckily I got an instant response.

I was to The Foundry technical support in which I sent them an email.

In response they required my systems diagnostics to see what the problem was, apparently the program changed it's self into a Personal Learning Edition Licence & as I had told them this project was important they did their best to fix the issue.
They responded to me with a new licence.lic file in which I had to download, drag & drop to my licence utility. It worked wonders, the giant watermark was removed from the screen & I was able to get on with the work, the first thing I did was render out the scene just in case this decided to happen again. 

This is how my scene looked with the PLE water mark:

If I had handing in my work like this, I would have lost marks. 

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