Thursday 22 May 2014

OUDF602: Business Cards | Logo Drafts

As Alex from Ypson was designing the logo, he kept updating me with his progress as to see how I'm liking the design. I responded to him accordingly. Below are my responses to the drafts provided.

"Hi, thanks for the draft. Looking good so far, the colour scheme is perfect. Here are a few changes I'd like you to make.

1. Could you make the shapes more rounded and organic instead of the block shapes.
2. Could you change the font of 'Shot by' & make it stylised and the font for 'WIZ' to something along the lines of the image I've attached."

"I love the design, the new font of 'WIZ' is perfect and the rounded shapes are great, however could you change the 'Shot by" font.

After careful consideration I don't think the current one agrees with me. I've decided to go for helvetica & could you make it white in colour and all lowercase.

This will be the last change & we will be done."

"Yes the WIZ part is definitely nicely done, 2 thumbs up on that one.

I do apologise again, the 'shot by' still looks a bit flat unfortunately.

Could you remove it and replace it with a vector image of a camera icon instead , but please keep the dividing line which is next to WIZ.

I've attached & circled an example of the of the icon I would like. The image is watermarked & the unwatermark version costs $4, if you agree to make this final revision let me know & I will purchase the unwatermarked icon and send it to you asap.

P.S could you also make the dividing line fade on both ends, I've attached an example of this as well.

Thank you Alex, I hope I'm not turning into a client form hell."

Above is the final version the logo that I was sort of happy with, what I noticed when commission someone to create a piece of design for you is that it is easy to become a client from hell. I took the design I was given and modified it a little on photoshop below is my own final version that I decided to use on the business card designs.

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