Friday 16 May 2014

OUDF603: DMM Problems

I was constantly having a hard time running simulation on DMM, I tried everything to sort this issue, from clearing the cache, relaunching Maya, restarting the PC, Deleting history and Freezing transformations but I was having no luck. No mater how many time I started a new project, I'd run across this same issue. I've uploaded a screen shot to help illustrate the issue I'm having.

 Above is the simple render of the house I want to simulate. I know how picky DMM is with the mesh, so to solve this I created a separate geometry front eh house & placed it at the back to make it look like it's part of the house. This worked up until the following.

Working on a full version of DMM so I was able to simulate a high amount of Tet

Below is when the same problem persists, over and over again, I run a simulation & when a DMM object smashes through, that is what it looks like:

Below is a rendered version of the problem

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