Monday 12 May 2014

OUDF603: Animated Set Progress | Animating the Scene

To get the desired 3D parallax I had to animate the camera from the left hand side to right. This meant moving the camera in 3D space and setting key frames, I set the frames on the time line to 500, that is equivalent to 20 seconds of footage shot at 24 frames per second. The first key frame was set at frame 1 & the last one was set at frame 300, I animated the camera to pan downwards, initially revealing the sky and the top of the mountains then moving on to reveal the foreground. I then set another key frame from frame 300 to frame 500 for the camera to pan from the left side of the scene to it's right. On the camera properties I mainly manipulated the translate x,y,z and the rotate y, I didn't want to mess with the scale as this could compromise the quality of the footage.

Once the keys were set, I used the curve editor, the curve editor gave me the ability to ease a keyframe, so the camera organically builds up at the beginning and  slows down near the end and it also removes inconsistent speed changes. This works well for the beginning & the end keyframes but generally not for middle keyframes. 

Using the Nuke 8's dope sheet was also very useful when it comes to animation, whenever I had to move any keyframes that I had already set, it was easier to do so.

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